Let us know of any more that we can add to the list. Recycle fashion means different things to different people which can make for an interesting variety, but it all comes down to the same ethic of saving our resources and changing our habits. Etsy considers 20-year-old items to be vintage, and that includes our clothes. Let's celebrate this and wear 'em if you got 'em.
April 28th: San Francisco, CA's annual Discarded to Divine. The upcoming 2011 Haute Trash Fashion Shows at the New York Fashion Academy in Seattle, WA.
April 23rd: 3rd Annual Kohala Trash Bash Fashion Show at the Kohala Coffee Mill in Hawi, HI.
April 22nd: Largo, Florida's Trashy Fashion 2011.
Stanford University has its Sustainable Fashion Show, CA.
This isn't just a seasonal endeavor. New Mexico's Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival has a fashion show is coming in November.
April 26th Cambridge, UK's FACE Fashion Show, Fashion Amnesty, Corporation Ethics, includes The Clothes Exchange.
Consider the growing trend of renting, borrowing and swapping clothing, particularly one-offs such as gowns and outfits for parties.
This is reminiscent of the Clothing Swaps which have been getting more and more popular recently, both public and private. I'm hearing about friends who are getting together and doing this in small groups. Set it up however you like. Choose one person's house. Everyone brings over 'gently worn' items. Things are organized and displayed as well as possible in the space and with time considerations. Everyone meets maybe for a pot luck meal and then you all decide on any rules. Leftover clothes may be donated.
Some of the fashion I've seen reminds me of discussions I've had about wearable art jewelry. Should an artist/designer always create with the thought of who will wear it, where and when it will be worn?
Don't let those clothes we'll never fit into again, and maybe worse, the ones we're scared we WILL fit into again, sit in our closets, leering at us from the back. Move 'em out and let someone who can use them have them.
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