Arthur Granjean displayed his prototype, which he had built in his basement and called "L'Ecran Magique" ("The Magic Screen"), at the 1959 International Toy Exhibition in Nuremburg, Germany.
The Etch-A-Sketchist Blog is a one-stop shop for a lot of goodies on the subject including videos showing where the toy is popping up today. For a more than fair price, you can get a professional Etch-A-Sketch image of yourself created. (see below for example)
Jeff Gagliardi first tried using the Etch-A-Sketch when he was in college. His web site contains some amazing pieces that he's created along with biographical information. Gagliardi is also a painter.
George Vlosich's latest work of President Obama was part of a gallery show in D.C. called MANIFEST HOPE
Protect your iPhone and iPod with these stylish Etch-a-Sketch® hard cases.
Made from impact-resistant ABS plastic, the Etch-a-Sketch® case is available for the iPhone 4, iPhone 3G/3GS, and the iPod Touch 4th Generation.
Please note: the knobs are ornamental and do not turn.
The HowStuffWorks team looked inside an Etch-A-Sketch to see how it functions. Two knobs control the movement of a single stylus horizontally and vertically through the aluminum powder. As the stylus moves, it leaves behind a black trail on the screen. Shaking the device remixes the powder, thus clearing the screen.
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