Five California Bay Area Fashion Camps
Sewing Camps : Fiber Craft
Creating our own clothes by sewing, knitting, embellishing, a combination of these or other techniques are as popular as they've been in years past.
Fiber artists are using recycled materials, upcycling their clothing. Not that this is a new concept. Quilters for instance did this for years, out of necessity and creativity, long before there was Project Runway or there were Fashion Police. There are galleries and art shows entirely devoted to fibre arts.
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As with woodworkers and other makers, the milliner and sewer (a gender-free term similar to 'quilter' used instead of 'seamstress') are creating art that is utilitarian. They're also creating heirlooms. Children and grandchildren may embellish and upcycle our creations be it a bureau or a dress with paint or sequins, adjusting the height or the length, changing the knobs or buttons.
TV programs such as Knitty Gritty show the wide spread popularity of knitting as an art form, a social explosion. Radical knitters are out there yarn bombing anything that isn't tied down -- and a few things that are tied down! They give us a new outlook on the world.
Thanks to a new breed of embroidery artists, the antique sampler comes into the 21st century with re-craftings of famous tweets, clip art and facebook posts. The immediacy of the digital era takes on a startling new permanence when it's captured by thread in embroidery.
Something sent over the internet in nanoseconds hangs exposed on a gallery wall. The viewer can imagine the time and care taken by the artist creating that message stitch by stitch by stitch.
The camps, workshops and classes appear and evolve regularly. Keep your eyes open and don't hesitate to ask facilities near you if they'll consider offering a workshop that you'd like to take. Post a flyer at your local library. You could start a sewing, quilting or knitting circle for yourself and/or your kids that easily.
1) Camp Couture : San Mateo
Sewing Lessons for teens & adults. Summer Camp 2013, Birthday Parties. They've added a section called The Teen Reconstruction Workshop . The class will focus on the art of reconstruction. Take something old and make it new again.
2) Camp Fashionista : San Jose
Basics in sewing, and fashion sketching, Ages 6 and up. "Each weeks camp ends with a fashion show on Friday to strut your stuff down the catwalk to friends and family." Fashion camp workshops include: Budding fashion designers can learn fashion illustration, create an American Girl Doll & Me Skirt & Headband. Maybe you want to know if a sewing class is right for your child?
3) Rock Paper Scissors : Oakland
Look forward to silkscreen printing classes and also How to be a Spinster make your own handspun yarn. "One of the most ancient forms of craft, spinning is the foundation of all modern textiles." In the past they've hosted a sewing lab at their facility. Keep checking to see what's offered.
4) Children's Knitting Circle : Los Gatos Public Library
Come learn to knit or work on a project you've started, staff and volunteers will help. Drop in, ages 7+ One day/week
5) Fashion your mind organization : San Jose
Fashion Sewing, Learn to Make Your Own Prom Dress, Mommy/Daddy and Me
List is in no particular order, we're not affiliated with any of the camps/classes
Our main Non-Traditional Camps s & Classes in California's bay area
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Visit The San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles for their Fiber Talks and Lectures Series. The Economy has hit everyone hard.
You may be able to find some other local museums who periodically host fiber artists who give talks, do demonstrations and hold workshops.

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